Our mission is to offer immediate care to individuals experiencing crisis while facilitating their connection to sustainable long-term support within their community.
Emergency Diagnostic Assessment: A licensed clinician will assess your needs to determine the best options to provide you with assistance. The availability of this service can save many days/weeks of waiting time for an individual in need of immediate care.
Crisis Counseling: Mental health and addiction professionals are staffed at the Crisis Center making counseling services readily available to those in need. Our goal is to stabilize the situation and refer to the appropriate agency for ongoing services.
Group Counseling: provide skill building, recreational, educational and other pro-social groups that enhance the experience for each resident.
Peer Support: individuals in recovery dedicate their time to provide supportive services to help guide you in your journey towards stability.
Community Referrals: linkage of each resident with a circle of care upon discharge from the facility to ensure ongoing success once transitioned home.
Medical Attention: licensed nursing will be available 24/7 to monitor health conditions and ensure medical safety of all residents.
Law Enforcement: Our services offer an alternative to legal action and court
involvement for people in need of therapeutic treatment. Kaptur-Rogowski House provides a venue where police can bring individuals in need of care without traditional long waits for services.
Families and Clients: Our facility is a place where families feel safe bringing their loved one who is in crisis. Our staff collaborates with family members to create an aftercare plan and supportive circle of care.
Persons in Crisis: Referrals are received from law enforcement, medical facilities, family members, self-referrals, and other service providers in the community. Kaptur House provides residents with a safe place to go during crisis, which can ultimately prevent placement in longer-term residential facilities.