Since our inception in January 2017, the Erie County Regional Response Laboratory located at 420 Superior Street in Sandusky, has been able to provide biological and chemical analysis to local and regional customers.

We currently have three analysts certified by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to preform bacteria and microcystin toxin (harmful algal bloom) testing on drinking and recreational water sources. We remain one of the only labs in the region who accepts water samples from both public and private water sources.

Potable Water Testing (Private & Public)

·       Total Coliform (Presence/Absence)

·       Private Water Total Coliform (MPN/count)

·       Microcystin Toxin

For only $90 one of our Registered Sanitarians can collect a sample to test your private water source for bacteria including E.coli.

Recreational and Wastewater Testing

·       Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

·       Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

·       Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD)

·       Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

·       Ammonia (NH4)

·       E.coli

·       Chlorine

·       pH

Recreational Bathing Beach Monitoring Program

ECHD monitors bacterial levels of 25 recreational water sites across our Lake Erie coastline. This sampling occurs Monday – Friday from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The results of this testing is posted daily on the Erie County Health Department website.

For more information contact:

Laboratory Manager
Anne Wells
419-626-5623 ext 5173
