It’s easy to apply for WIC. Simply call one of our clinics to schedule an appointment and bring the following:
Call us today.
Sandusky Clinic- 419-626-5623 ext. 5137
Norwalk Clinic- 419-668-6855
Vermilion Clinic- 440-967-7359 (Open Wednesday)
Save time at your appointment
If the form below applies to you, print it out, fill it in and bring them it you to your appointment.
WIC Authorized Letter
Ohio WIC Authorized Foods List 5-2023
Ohio WIC Spanish Authorized Foods List 4-2023
Ohio WIC Infant Foods List 5-2023
Ohio WIC Spanish Infant Foods List 5-2023
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement English & Spanish – Updated September 2022
Complete your WIC nutrition education