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Live Well is a collaboration between the Erie County Health Department/Erie County Community Health Center, the Erie County Department of Job and Family Services and OHgo. To help combat food insecurity in Erie County, these three organizations have created an additional pop-up food pantry location providing pantry items and fresh produce to those in need. To ensure participants are familiar with the foods they are receiving, nutrition education and recipes are provided at each pop-up, as well.

During the pop-up pantries, local community organizations have been welcomed to provide resources to those participating. Some of these organizations have included WIC, Head Start, Help Me Grow, Cribs for Kids and many more. If you are interested in having a table at an upcoming event, please reach out to the program coordinator.

Live Well events are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Erie County JFS office from 11am-12pm, or while supplies last, and on the 4th Friday of each month at the Kelleys Island Health Center from 11am-12pm, or while supplies last. All participants income eligibility must be at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines and self-declaration must be made by the recipient that they fall within these guidelines.

Please direct all questions to:

Angelina Cambarare, CHES
Public Health Educator
419.626.5623, Ext.5143
